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Prayer is simply having conversations with God about the good, the hard, the ugly, and the promising. As in in any relationship talking to each other and healthy communication is key. When we need an ear to listen, it’s so easy to go to a friend or family member. However, alot of times, we walk away from these conversations without the comfort that we are seeking. As we talk with God, he speaks into our hearts, reveals his truth to us, and draws us closer to him. He wants to meet your needs and reveal His promises to you. The only way God can do that is if your open your mind, heart, and spirit to Him in prayer. Let Him into those deep, dark places that even you don’t want to visit. When you begin to give God complete access, that’s when He can come in and speak to you and give you a peace that surpasses all understanding in every aspect of your life (Philippians 4:7).

Intro to Prayer 101
There is a basic model for prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. If you are new to prayer and are not sure what to say, you can start with this one if you like. When we say, “Amen” at the end of a prayer, it means, “So be it.” It’s a simple statement of faith that says we believe in the truth and love of God revealed through prayer. But guess what? This is not the only way to pray! Just begin talking to God like you would to a friend or close relative…spill your guts. God will not be embarrassed by your most outrageous experiences nor will He wag His finger at your bad decisions. Trust us…He’s heard it all! Ecclesiastes 1:9 says “…there is nothing new under the sun.”

He wants to hear from you. So as you begin to understand about prayer, our prayer, is that through talking with God, you will continue to grow in the faith and love of Jesus.

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